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Friday, May 30, 2014

Studio Killers - Grande Finale

"I will clean my act up"

I didn't expect Studio Killers to come back so soon, especially given how long it took for them to put out a debut album. I'm not complaining, mind you! However, I haven't been able to fully fall in love with this new single like I did with their older songs. I don't know what it is. I guess everything, from the lyrics to the production to the melody, seems a lot more mainstream--like they've softened the edges that made them so exciting in the first place. But the chorus still soars and the vocals remain indelible. It's hard to complain too much when we've got a group this awesome. Even if they never give us something as fabulous as Jenny or Eros & Apollo again, they've already established a great legacy. And hopefully that second album won't take as long to complete as the first!

Grande Finale by Studio Killers on Grooveshark

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. Buy the single here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.



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