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Monday, December 07, 2015

Seventeen + Ailee - Q&A

Seventeen (my favorite debut group of the year), have gifted us a surprise collaboration single with popular solo artist Ailee. Better yet, the song features a unit group of my three favorite members. Essentially, it's a light hip-hop track that's a lot less in your face than their full-group singles. It's also a total grower. That breezy hook is indelible, and works its way inside your head without you even noticing it. The cool thing is that the hip-hop verses, which can sometimes simply float by without any fanfare, are full with character and catchy flow. It helps that the video is also adorable and requires very little translation to get its point across.

(If you decide to buy K-Pop physical album releases -- and my god you should, because they're awesomely presented -- try catchopcd for some of the best prices out there. Use this link to get 5% off your first order!)

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